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Code of Conduct

  1. All members of the Qld Conservation and Wildlife Management (CWM) shall be financial members of the Sporting Shooters’ Association of Australia Inc. (SSAA)
  2. All members shall be charged an annual fee set down by the State Operations Group.  Non- financial members will not be allowed to participate in CWM authorised activities and are not to represent themselves in public as CWM members.
  3. Each new member will also be required to undertake an accreditation course, for which a fee will be charged.  All fees will be set by the State Operations Group from time to time. Monies raised from the charging of these fees will be used to cover costs of training, administrative and other running expenses and activities, as the committee decides. 
  4. All members must satisfactorily pass the required CWM accreditation course and practical shooting test, as set by the State Operations Group, before participating in any field operation.
  5. Observers may attend any authorised field operation provided they do not carry, or have contact with any firearm and that they are a financial member of SSAA.
  6. A nominated Trip Leader will supervise all field operations.  Trip Leaders will be appointed by the State Operations Group and act on their authority whilst conducting a field operation.  All team members will be under the direction of the nominated Trip Leader for the period of the activity and subject to all orders and directions made by the Trip Leader.
  7. Any breach of safety procedures or failure to follow instructions issued by the Trip Leader will result in disciplinary action by the State Committee.
  8. The committee has the right to refuse participation in any CWM activities, whether that member has been the subject of disciplinary action or not.
  9. Alcohol may be consumed on CWM activities within moderation, however loutish or offensive behaviour arising from excessive alcohol intake will not be tolerated.  No CWM member will be allowed to participate in any activity within 8 hours of consuming alcohol.  Any member breaching this rule will be asked to show cause why disciplinary action shouldn’t be taken.
  10. The use of restricted or recreational drugs during CWM activities is prohibited and will result in immediate suspension of CWM membership pending referral of the matter to the State Executive, SSAA QLD (Inc) for further disciplinary action. Any member taking prescribed medication that may affect their ability to safely handle a firearm must inform the Trip Leader or Project Leader/Coordinator prior to participating in any activity involving the use or handling of firearms.
  11. All members are expected to display a high standard of safety, hunting ethics and environmental awareness.
  12. When participating in CWM activities, members are required to dress in clothing that is suited to the expected conditions. Camouflage or black clothing is not to be worn during CWM activities unless authorised for conservation activities such as sitting in hides, animal counts and other such authorised activities.  The exception to this rule shall be the use of packs, hats and other such field equipment, which is authorised for general use.
  13. Each member is responsible for the provision of his/her own food, water, clothing, camping equipment, firearms, ammunition, fuel, transport, compass, maps and communications equipment.  It is expected that, when hunting as part of a team, team members shall contribute equally to the cost of participation.  For instance, fuel and food cost should be split equally amongst team members.
  14. Members are to provide details of all medical conditions, regular or emergency medications etc on joining CWM and/or attending a project.  This information will be treated as confidential and will only be provided/issued to Trip Leaders prior to the commencement of an authorised activity.  Medical information will only be used to assist in the treatment of a team member in the event of a medical emergency during an authorised CWM activity.
  15. Firearms are to be transported and stored in accordance with relevant State or Territory Legislation.  It is the member’s responsibility to be aware of the requirements for each State or Territory Legislation.
  16. Firearms safety is of utmost importance.  Those safety procedures as outlined in the relevant State or Territory Legislation are to be adhered to at all times by CWM members.
  17. When participating in an operation/trip/activity, each member is to unload and clear their firearms prior to entering a campsite or dwelling.  Any other conditions imposed by landowners/ government departments/clients shall be observed.
  18. All teams are to be briefed by their Trip Leader, prior to undertaking an operation/trip/activity.  Any issue that may arise that is not dealt with in these Code of Conduct rules will be dealt with at the discretion of the Trip Leader during the activity.
  19. All members are to participate as part of a team and in keeping with the CWM commitment to conservation.  All members should uphold the spirit of co-operation and friendship and treat others with dignity, courtesy and respect. This relates to conservation activities, other field activities and training courses and weekends.  One-up-man ship or discrimination towards other members and their abilities will not be tolerated.
  20. Discrimination, bullying and sexual harassment are unacceptable.  CWM members found to have engaged in such conduct might be counselled, warned or disciplined.  Severe or repeated breaches can lead to CWM membership cancellation.  Any member who believes they have been discriminated against, bullied or sexually harassed are encouraged to take appropriate action by discussing the issue with the Project Leader, Trip leader or any committee member.
  21. Any person using their status as a member of CWM for personal gain, access to public or private lands, financial reward or any other purpose not directly relating to the objectives of CWM and specifically sanctioned by a Project/Trip Leader or State Operations Group will be subject to disciplinary action.  All CWM activities will be coordinated through the State Operations Group and written authorisation issued prior to the commencement of all CWM activities.
  22. It is a privilege of membership of CWM that the nationally adopted emblem may be worn when participating in any sanctioned CWM activity.  Members may also display the emblem at any SSAA shooting facility, provided this does not contravene any of the Code of Conduct rules listed herein.  Members are not to display the emblem to affect personal gain, as described in 21 above.  Any member found doing so will be the subject of disciplinary action.
  23. Members are not to make direct contact with landholders, government departments, members of the public, politicians or any other person who may deem that CWM member to be representative of the organisation as a whole.  All contact with landholders and other parties is to be made, in the first instance, by a member of the State Operations Group or any other person appointed as their representative from time to time.  Disciplinary action will result from any breach of this requirement.
  24. These Code of Conduct rules may be altered, added to or changed by the State Operations Group or the State Executive of SSAA QLD (Inc) from time to time, as is deemed necessary.  Members will be advised of any changes made to these rules and regulations.
  25. Members who are non-financial or leave CWM Queensland Division for a period less than three (3) years and re-join the division will receive recognition of their original accreditation course.  Members who are non-financial or absent for greater than three (3) years will be required to resit the entire accreditation course and practical shooting test.
  26. The State Operations Group of CWM Division Qld reserves the right to cancel or refuse membership of any individual it deems unsuitable or who fails to abide by the above mentioned Code of Conduct rules.
  27. In the field, safe conservation hunting with CWM requires two or more members, who are aged over 18, per team.  All team members must be in visual and or radio contact at all times.  Members must not hunt singly (alone) except when authorised to do so by the Trip/Project Leader.

This membership Code of Conduct has been approved by the State Executive, SSAA (QLD) Inc. and are issued under the authority of the State Operations Group, Conservation and Wildlife Management QLD.

This Edition of the Code of Conduct was updated on 9 May 2020. All previous and existing copies of the Member’s Code of Conduct are invalid and should be destroyed and replaced with this version. By signing the application for membership it is understood that you have read these Code of Conduct and that you agree to abide by them at all times.

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