Committee Chair report
CWM continues to grow through lots of hard work from all our volunteers, especially our committee, project leaders and team leaders. We now number over 700 across Qld and I’m pleased to say that the quality of our Subscribers continues to be of a very high standard. We welcome all the new Subscribers and look forward to seeing you out in the field.
For all those new Subscribers, we would like to point out that successfully completing your written and marksmanship accreditation is not an automatic acceptance to participate in a project.
You also need to make yourself known to one or more of the committee, project leaders and/or team leaders. This can be done at CWM training or range days in your region. Alternatively, a known and trusted CWM Subscriber can provide a reference for you.
A sure fire way to get known and make the most out of your CWM membership is to volunteer to help with the many jobs that need to be done to keep us functioning effectively as we continue to grow. At present we are looking for people with the following skills: communications & marketing, grant applications and acquittals, admin, trainers for skills development days and accreditation courses and accounting.
We have excellent relationships with many government departments, private landholders and conservation charities whereby we are being asked to take on more and more projects. We have a very good reputation for getting results and being reliable so word of mouth is driving these referrals.
There are some very exciting new projects coming on-line in the next few months that will be very popular, plus others in the pipeline. To service these projects we will need over 1,000 members. To meet this goal in the next 2 years it just takes each of us to talk to other ethical, skilled and reliable hunters. Let’s not keep CWM a secret.
CWM – you get out of it in proportion to what you put in.
Damien Ferguson
0402 424 424
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